Monday 23 April 2012

Two days in bed with a cold and an imaginary friend

page 10: It’s strange how teachers can go off to college for all those years to learn to become teachers, but some of them never learn the easy stuff. Like making kids laugh.

page 115: Dee is in a place called I See You. I think it’s a place where they watch you carefully to make sure that you don’t die.

page 135: I was right. Mrs Patterson is neat and organized. She cannot be trusted.

page 197: This is the time when most imaginary friends stop existing. Kindergarten kills them.

page 370: But you have to be the bravest person in the world to go out every day being yourself when no one likes who you are.

page 431: The moon has risen higher in the sky since we left Mrs Patterson’s house. It hangs over the school like a giant, blind eye.

Memoirs of an imaginary friend by Matthew Green © Matthew Dicks 2012

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